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Calling All Volunteers!

Each year, Natick's historic 4th of July parade and festivities are planned, funded, and executed by a group of dedicated volunteers. We all bring our own talents, abilities, and creativity together to put on a great Independence Day celebration for our community. And we're always looking for new members!


​Board and Committee Volunteer Roles

See the Jobs tab of the Natick Friends of the 4th Facebook page.


Check out the day-of parade volunteer roles:


  • Parade Check-In: Arrive at Wilson Middle School by 6:30 AM. Greet participants, provide their unit number and direct them to correct location. Answer general questions.  Job completed by 9:00 AM.

  • Vehicle Check-In: Arrive at Wilson Middle School by 6:30 AM. Assists Logistics team with greeting vehicles, directing to drop off or line up, and general traffic control.  Need to be able move freely between vehicles in close quarters for the duration of the check-in. Job completed by 9:00 AM.

  • Banner Set-Up: Arrive at Wilson Middle School by 7:00AM. Assemble Banner poles and hang banners.  Distribute to carriers, coordinates with Check-in Troubleshooter. Job completed by 9:00 AM..

  • Banner Collections: Arrive at St. Patrick’s by 9:00 AM. Answer general questions before, during and after the parade, collect donations offered.  Responsible for the collection of banners from Banner Carriers, disassembly of banner poles and neat rolling of banners. Offer water to parade participants. Reports to Check-In Trouble shooter. Job ends approximately 20 minutes after completion of parade. Donations are to be hand delivered ONLY to Friends of the 4th President or Treasurer (Check-In Troubleshooter). 

  • End of Parade Support: Arrive at St. Patrick’s by 9:00 AM. Answer general questions before, during and after the parade, collect donations offered.  Assist Banner Collector as needed.  Reports to Check-In Trouble shooter. Job ends approximately 20 minutes after completion of parade. Donations are to be hand delivered  ONLY to Friends of the Fourth President or Treasurer (Check-In Troubleshooter). 

  • Banner Carriers: Arrive at Wilson Middle School BY 7:30 AM. Obtain Banner from Banner Set-up, located near the Check-In tent.  Need to be in place in parade line up by 8:45. Banner carriers assist to keep the pace of the parade consistent by maintaining requested distance between acts before and after them, in conjunction with Unit Marshalls. Need to be able to walk a total of 2+ miles.  Banners are collected at the end of the parade.

  • Donation Collectors: Arrive at Wilson Middle School by 7:30 AM. Obtain Collection Bucket and Parade Info Cards from Check-In tent.  Responsible for taking donations and handing out Venmo/Paypal donation information along the parade route. Need to be able to walk a total of 2+ miles. Buckets are to be hand delivered  ONLY to Friends of the 4th  President or Treasurer (Check-In Troubleshooter) at the end of the parade.

  • Unit Marshalls: Arrive at Wilson Middle School by 7:00 AM. Assist with directing participates to the correct unit. Responsible for line up of their unit's participants, under the direction of the Logistics Team.  Ensure line up is correct and then maintained by 9:00 AM.  During the parade, Unit Marshalls are responsible for ensuring consistent pace of their unit, directing each act to slow down or speed up as needed in coordination with Co-Marshall (and banner carriers).   Unit Marshalls need to be able to walk a total of 4+ miles, as will be walking back and forth along their Unit, over the whole parade route. 



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